Wednesday, December 12, 2012

YouTube activity

Well, for a long time I've had my youtube up and I've posted videos here and there...but I've recently got myself a gopro hero 3 and I've decided to start being a bit more active in my youtubing. So if you haven't seen it yet, you can see it here... Its nothing uber professional but its just a bit of things I enjoy doing or things I am currently doing or pursuing or projects. There will be more snowmobiling videos, winter camping, and perhaps some hunting or gun videos up as those are some of my hobbies I do during the winter.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Athene ends his hunger strike

So looks like Athene has achieved his goal and decided to end his hunger strike. I'm glad he has raised awareness on the subject of the hunger crisis in the horn of Africa. I hope he can continue to be successful in helping the situation. I know many charity groups are helping as well, but dont get the publicity they deserve. Props to Athene for his hard work and effort for a noble cause.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


So recently my wife and I got into snowmobiling, and it has really consumed my weekends :) I hope I can post more content on here, and ill be focusing on doing so... I've been considering getting a GoPro Hero2 HD action camera so I can film my snowmobiling escapades with my wife. Also if anyone wants to watch videos goto: